FAQs from Parents & Families of Current Students


1. How can I reach my student if we have a family emergency?

If there is a death, sudden illness, or other serious emergency in the family, 注册办公室(724-334-6041)将帮助找到你的学生,并传递信息,立即打电话回家. 学生事务办公室(724-334-6062)也可以在紧急情况下帮助家庭. 如果在休息或假期发生什么事情,学生将推迟返回学校, please call the Office of Student Affairs so that the staff can notify instructors.*

For other health-related emergencies, contact Health Services. To reach Nurse Stella, call 724-334-6066 with health-related questions or concerns.

个人咨询服务周一至周四上午10点在校园内提供.m - 3:00 p.m. (Mid-August to Mid-May).

In the case of a missing student, 请联系免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿大学警察局,电话:724-334-6120或免费mg不朽情缘试玩警察局,电话:814-863-1111.

* Staff members cannot excuse students from class; they only inform academic units of an absence. 回到校园后,学生有责任跟随老师的指导. Transportation to and from campus is the responsibility of the student or family.

2. 我的儿子/女儿在哪里可以找到他/她专业的工作和学习如何获得实习机会?

Students are expected to take an active role in locating, applying for, 获得实习地点并完成获得学分的必要条件. Career Services 提供服务和资源,协助和支持学生寻找和准备实习. 

3. How can I get information on financial aid for students?

Parents and students may obtain information concerning financial aid through Financial Aid or calling 724-334-LION.  学生援助可以定义为任何资源,以补充家长和学生的贡献,以满足大学教育的成本.  免费mg不朽情缘试玩的学生获得四种类型的学生援助:助学金、奖学金、贷款和勤工俭学.

4. Where can I get my questions answered concerning my child's tuition bill?

有关学生帐单、退款或付款的问题,请提交给财务处. You may contact them by calling 814-865-6528, accessing the Bursar's website or writing to Bursar's Office, The Pennsylvania State University, 103 Shields Building, University Park, PA 16802.

5. Where can I find information on housing options?

Off-Campus Housing Options include:

Nittany Highlands Apartments: 这个私人拥有的公寓大楼位于街对面,提供公寓式的生活和宿舍式的体验

Additional Off-Campus Housing: 由于我们离匹兹堡很近,我们的学生有很多住房选择.  However, students choosing to live off campus should plan to have access to a car.

6. Is there a University events calendar?

Yes.  View the Campus Calendar online.

7. Is there an academic calendar noting the start and end of classes each semester?

Yes. The Registrar's office publishes the University's official academic calendar.

8. Are there immunization and medical requirements for new students enrolled at Penn State?

Yes, Penn State requires all degree-seeking students to be immunized against measles, mumps, and rubella and to submit this information online. Students are also encouraged to complete an online Health History form. Read more about this immunization requirement.

9. When will my student receive his/her tuition bill?

Beginning approximately 6 weeks prior to the start of classes, 账单将为已安排课程并拥有eLion完全访问权限的学生准备. 当学费账单可以在eLion上查看/支付或确认注册时,学生将通过免费mg不朽情缘试玩的电子邮件帐户收到通知. Paper bills are not mailed. Bills are prepared mid-July for fall semester, mid-November for spring semester and mid-April for summer semester. Residence hall charges are included on the bill, if applicable. 在学期的前10天,每周都要准备账单,以便学生以后安排. More billing information is available on the Tuition Bill Instructions page from the Bursar's office. 

10. What should my student do if he/she has additional student aid?

你的学费账单上的“预期学生经济援助细节”部分显示了你目前已知的可用援助. If you have additional scholarships, grants, or loans, 请参阅学费账单说明的这一部分,了解这些变化的信息. The tuition bill on LionPath will reflect current information (requires permission for parent access). Procedures for payment from College Savings Plans are also available on this site.

For more information about billing and class registration visit the Registrar.

For more information about financial assistance for students at the Office of Financial Aid.

To access your student’s bill through LionPath, visit the LionPath web page. 

11. 我们的家庭保险公司(或我的雇主)要求证明我的儿子/女儿是(或曾经)在免费mg不朽情缘试玩注册. What do I do?

Insurance companies, 金融贷款机构或雇主可能需要学生过去或现在在免费mg不朽情缘试玩注册的证明. An academic verification provides proof of enrollment, graduation, student status, and other related information.

Academic verifications are now available to parents through the LionPath Parent/Other menu. Prior to use, parents must first be granted access by their students. Steps to complete the process can be found here.

12. At Penn State, how is a "campus" different from a "college"?

Colleges at Penn State should not be confused with campuses.

A campus is a place. The location where students take classes and may reside in a residence hall. Penn State has 20 campuses located throughout the state.

学院是一个学术组织——一群教授和学习共同学科的教师和学生的集合. 我们在大学公园校区有11个学院,在免费mg不朽情缘试玩校区有6个学院.

Most degree-seeking Penn State students attend a campus and are enrolled in a college.  For more information, visit our lists of Penn State Campuses and Penn State Colleges.

13. My son/daughter is going to transfer to another Penn State campus next year, what resources are available to him/her?

At Penn State, the process of relocating from one campus to another is called Change of Location, 这通常发生在完成前两年的全日制学习后,以获得学士学位. 在完成两年的学习之前,只有在学生无法满足所选专业的课程要求的极端情况下,才会批准更改地点的请求.  

To transition between campuses, 唯一的要求是你必须满足所选专业的入学要求.  For more information about the 2+2 Plan,联系你感兴趣专业的校园顾问,或者联系招生办.

包括两年一度在大学公园举行的免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿学生聚会, annual trip to the Link UP program at University Park, and annual Student Send-Off Reception at Penn State New Kensington, 为转到宾州州立大学其他校区的学生提供信息和资源. 

On-campus housing requests and information can be found at www.eliving.tb35018.net

Off-campus housing information is campus specific; please visit your intended campus’ website for more information.


14. My student is having trouble in his/her classes, is help available?

Students having trouble in class are encouraged to seek help from the course faculty, the Office of Academic Affairs, and the Academic and Career Success Center.

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校的学术和职业成功中心为那些在特定课程上有困难的学生以及那些旨在保持高学术地位的学生提供资源.  Services include tutorial services, special topic workshops, study groups, writing support, math support, support for learning disabilities, and academic resource materials.

15. My son/daughter has a disability. Whom should I contact at Penn State New Kensington to discuss disability services?

残疾服务为寻求住宿的残疾学生提供支持和帮助. 残疾学生应联系校园残疾服务联络员,讨论大学接受合理住宿的过程. Contact Stella Milburn, campus nurse (liaison for physical disabilities), and Ruth Herstek, associate director of academic advising.  During the summer months, contact Theresa Bonk, Director of Student Affairs.

16. Can I have access to my son/daughter’s grades?

When the student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending a postsecondary institution, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to the student. 这意味着,未经学生的书面同意,家长不得获取任何学生的教育记录.  For more information, please visit the Penn State Parents & Families page on Student Privacy.